We are so excited to announce that God has blessed our family with a new addition! Elyse Stevey was welcomed by many on December 16, 2009 and 12:13AM! She weighed 7 lbs. and was 20 inches long. Why are you just now posting this news in March you ask? Because her mommy has just become a blogger. Yes, that's right... after reading friends' posts often enough, I have decided to start a blog of my own. Not for myself, but for Elyse and her future brothers and/or sisters! Here I will share pictures and videos of her little life as she grows! So, being that this is my first post, I thought it only appropriate that I catch you up to speed on the past few months! I hope she brings a smile to your face like she does to mine everyday!
Much love,
After 2 days in the hospital we were excited to bring Elyse home.

For the first couple of weeks mommy and daddy took shifts watching me sleep

and sleep

and sleep

Eight days after I was born, we celebrated Christmas. Mom and dad say I am the best Christmas gift ever!

Mimi made me a precious stocking!

I had lots of visitors, which meant lots of snuggles from:


uncle AJ

Grammy and Great G-Ma

Uncle Rodgo and Auntie Amy

Auntie Kyle

Great Grandma Bonnie

and Great Grandma Janie

(Just to name a few!)
At 6 days old mommy and mimi gave me my first sponge bath

Soon after came my first real bath

Speaking of firsts:
First trip to daddy's office

First Super Bowl (check out the football bow!)

First ride on daddy's shoulders (did you notice the spit up on my chin?)

First time wearing shoes

At mommy's birthday party!

And first time making german sausage

Thanks for visiting mommy's blog. To keep up with the rest of my firsts, be sure and come back soon!